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Antibacterial + Antimicrobial FDM Filament by THETA°
THETA° has developed a functional filament that contains antifouling properties that kills bacteria, viruses, and microorganisms on contact.

PLA°X can be used in...

Fish tanks
Cool metallic decor that wont grow algae.
Toothbrush holder that wont grow mold.
Sponge holder that kills bacteria.
- Contactless door opener
- Forever sanitized phone case *
- Jewelry
PLA°X is only available in one color

4 3 2 1
Printing Quality
Quality by layer.
Functional PLA°X Prints
Lab Testing

Day 0
PLA°X sample placed in petri dish with E. coli.

Day 1
Inhabitation of bacteria is shown everywhere except near the sample.

Day 2
Inhabitation of bacteria growth still absent 1 day after the removal of PLA°X.
* For as long as the filament doesn't degrade.

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